The energy transition needs hydrogen to deliver the ambitious goals

Hydrogen is a climate-neutral, storable gas that can be transported over long distances. That is why OGE is committed to facilitating hydrogen deployment for you. Together we will shape the future.

Gas is an indispensable energy carrier 

Only 20 % of Germany's final energy consumption is electrical – the rest is based on molecules such as oil and gas. That is why climate-neutral gases are of central importance for decarbonisation. 

Transport of large amounts of energy at low cost

One gas pipeline can transport as much energy as eight high-voltage power lines. Moreover, the investment required for hydrogen infrastructure up until 2050 will be much lower than the costs of expanding the electricity infrastructure.

Long-term and flexible storage 

Germany’s total electricity storage capacity can only bridge a 36-minute blackout while the country’s gas storage facilities are able to store sufficient supplies for three months of demand. 

Hydrogen for a climate-friendly energy system

OGE's natural gas pipeline system already connects various sources of supply with large energy consumers and storage facilities. We are now gradually converting these pipelines to hydrogen. By repurposing existing lines and building new sections, we can use existing infrastructure quickly and cost-effectively.

The H2 core grid 

We are aiming to create a nationwide, publicly accessible hydrogen network in Germany.

Construction projects

New infrastructure for the energy transition – and your security of supply.

For applicants

Join us in writing the story of the energy transition.