
Ingredients of a successful business partnership.

Are you offering outstanding products and services? Then we should get to know each other!

As OGE's Procurement Department, we shape and develop the company’s supplier portfolio. We’re always on the lookout for new ideas as well as attractive and sustainable partnerships and look forward to working with new partners as equals.

If you have innovative products or smart services for us as a gas grid operator, please get in touch.

Topics at a glance

Code of Conduct

Our suppliers – partners in upholding our social, environmental and ethical values. We support the goals of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

Contract documents

Ingredients of a successful business partnership: Our current terms and conditions of purchase and other contractually relevant documents.

Contract documents

Safety requirements

Suppliers / pdf / 2.59 MB

Safety Requirements for Contractors

lays down safety rules to be observed by all contractors

Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Suppliers / pdf / 103.84 KB

Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Last revised June 2023

Suppliers / pdf / 91.70 KB

Standard Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Construction Services

Suppliers / pdf / 148.92 KB

Standard Terms and Conditions for the Procurement

of Plant, Machinery, and Electrical Equipment of Open Grid Europe GmbH