Market information

Unequivocal measured values: Our metering point designations. 

To avoid misunderstandings and incorrect allocation of measuring data, we as a network operator allocate a clear, permanent, alpha-numerical designation for each metering point in our network according to a specific structure. 

This way, we ensure that all eligible partners are provided with measured values for a clearly designated metering point.

In the “List of metering point designations” in our guidelines on the market area conversion from L-gas to H-gas, we indicate the year of conversion according to the network development plan and the planned technical and financial conversion day.

Notice: You can now find our grid activity plan with the usual information as an integral part of the web publications.

In addition, we have also included the information on the MaLo IDs / metering point designations, the L / H gas conversion dates and the information on bookable points centrally in our web publications.


You can find detailed information on metering point designations in the DVGW worksheet.

Information on metering point designations  is available here.