Market information

For full network transparency: Here you can find mandatory publications

Network transparency is important for all market participants. We comply with all requirements to publish relevant information. Pursuant to chapter 3, annex I of regulation EC 715/2009, we are providing this overview of all the publications required by law.


A detailed description of the capacity products, services and fees offered by Open Grid Europe can be found in the Capacity Products section and in the Contract Documents section.
General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts
Capacity Products

.. b) u. c) 1.

Information on (transmission) contracts and other relevant documents can be found in this section.

.. c)

Information on the network code, as well as standard terms and conditions, can be found in our Terms & Conditions in the Contract Documents section.
General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts

.. c) 2.

Information on the relevant gas quality parameters can be found in the Market Information section under web publications.
Web publications

.. c) 3.

The master data information can be found in the web publications.
Web publications

.. c) 4.

Information on the procedure for interruptible capacity can be found in our Terms & Conditions for Entry and Exit Contracts in the Contract Documents section.
General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts

.. d)

Information on harmonised procedures to be applied when using the transmission system, including definition of key terms, can be found in the so-called Cooperation Agreement.
Cooperation Agreement

.. e)

Provisions on procedures for capacity allocation, congestion management, etc. can be found in our Terms & Conditions for Entry and Exit Contracts in the Contract Documents section.
General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts

.. f)

Rules for capacity trading on the secondary market vis-à-vis transmission system operators can be found in our Terms & Conditions for Entry and Exit Contracts in the Contract Documents section and in the Cooperation Agreement.
Cooperation Agreement

.. i)

A detailed description of the gas network can be found via the master data in the web publications and network map (only in German) .
Web publications
network map

.. j)

Information about the connection rules in our network.
Network Connection Rules

.. k)

Information on emergency mechanisms can be found in our Terms & Conditions for Entry and Exit Contracts in the Contract Documents section.
General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts

.. l)

Agreed procedures at interconnection points (where relevant), nomination and matching procedures, other procedures for allocation and quantity deviations including the methods used can be found in the web publications and in the Contract Documents section.
General Terms & Conditions for Entry/Exit Contracts

.. m)

Description of the methodology and process to calculate the technical capacity:

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 226.84 KB

Methodology for the calculation of technically available capacity

in the transmission network operated by Open Grid Europe.

3.3 (1) a) - e), (4), (5)

Detailed updated information on capacities, nominations and renominations, actual load flows, calorific values, both historical/future and within-day network data on nominations and load flows in the network operated by Open Grid Europe can be found in the Market Information section under Operational Network Data in the web publications.
Web publications

.. (1) f) u. g)

Information on planned measures and maintenance work on the network can be found here.
Web publications

Updated information about the current status and the last interruptions can be found in the web publications.
Web publications

3.4 (1) u. (2)

Information on secondary trading can be found on the PRISMA website..

.. (5)

Information on the VTP, balancing actions and the status of the various gas grids that come together in the Trading Hub Europe market area can be found on website.

.. (6)

Information on the daily fees for capacities can be found in our price tables and via the master data information in the web publications.
Web publications

Art. 18(4) of the Regulation on the conditions of access to gas transmission grids

You will also find here the list of relevant points according to Art. 18(4) of the Regulation on the conditions of access to gas transmission grids.