Our purpose

We’re transporting the future to you.

As a gas grid operator, OGE is an important key player in the energy transition and a pioneer of the green transformation in Germany and Europe.

Sustainable Development Goalslearn more

We achieve this by transporting green gases, such as renewable and decarbonised gases, as well as CO2. With our strategy OGE 2030+, we are securing our transmission business for the long run and preparing our pipeline network and our numerous compressor stations for new gaseous energy carriers. We are developing technical innovations and services.

Moving towards the future.

Our image film shows in just a few minutes who we are and what we stand for.

Our self-image and contribution to society.

An integral part of German and European energy supply 

With a pipeline network of around 12,000 kilometres in length, OGE is one of Europe’s leading gas transmission system operators.

Our highly skilled and committed employees provide reliable, safe and customer-oriented gas transmission services, both within Germany and to neighbouring European countries.  

Leading role in the competent development of the energy system

Our predecessor company Ruhrgas was a pioneer in the development of the gas industry and gas infrastructure in Germany. Continuing this tradition, we stand for technological and operational expertise in Germany and Europe in all areas related to the transportation of gaseous energy sources (and the associated services). We are Germany's leader in the design, construction and operation of gas infrastructure. This is why we believe it is our duty to continue to play a leading role as an infrastructure operator in the development of the energy system. We want to be a driver of change in Germany and Europe.

Climate protection and a carbon-neutral energy system in 2045

We stand for climate protection and are committed to the goals of the international climate protection agreement of Paris (COP21) at the end of 2015, as well as to the German climate protection goals. This commitment is fundamental to who we are and challenges us. But the climate protection targets also mean that by 2045, there should be no more natural gas used in Germany. We must therefore provide an answer to the key question for society, our industry, our employees and owners: "What role can and must the gas infrastructure play in the future?" The most efficient way to achieve the climate protection goals is with renewable electricity and green gases (such as hydrogen) – always using the existing gas infrastructure. This has been shown in various studies (including the dena pilot study).

We do what we say – this is our motto as we move towards the future.

We are developing into an infrastructure provider also for H2

Given the new challenges, we came up with a target vision for OGE and, building on this, we formulated our corporate strategy "OGE2030+" in 2018. So direction is clear:

We accept the challenges of achieving climate neutrality in Germany by 2045 and continue to develop into a leading infrastructure and service provider for gaseous energy. This includes developing and operating a hydrogen infrastructure (using the existing pipeline system where possible) and offering related services.

To implement our strategy, we are developing important projects relating to sector coupling and hydrogen – often in collaboration with partners along the value chain. In the H2 core network, we are working on establishing a Germany-wide hydrogen infrastructure that is optimally integrated into the European transmission system with its numerous import routes. In the National Hydrogen Council and numerous industry and association activities, we are taking the initiative for the hydrogen market ramp-up - together with politics.

We support climate-neutral management of CO2

In 2045, despite all the efforts towards decarbonisation in industry and the energy sector, CO2 emissions will still occur. These will come firstly from sectors such as agriculture or the cement, lime and waste disposal industries in the form of process emissions that are considered hard to avoid.

OGE is therefore building new infrastructure for transportation of CO2. This will facilitate the transport routes required to reach storage sites or to set in motion a circular economy, meaning that ecological and economic interests can be combined. CO2 from production processes is transported to chemical industry sites that require carbon as a raw material, and in this way we support German and European climate protection targets.

We stand for an engaged and constructive dialogue with politics and authorities

We communicate openly and transparently with politicians, authorities and society. We openly address necessary political course-setting and legal changes if we consider them necessary for the sustainable and efficient achievement of climate protection goals and for our role as an infrastructure provider. We assume social responsibility by contributing our expertise to the political and social discussion.

How we do what we do – what you can expect.

We are here, focused, constructive, connecting and integrating

Under the motto “OGE connects”, we are here to work with all stakeholders to meet the current and future challenges of energy supply. As a network operator, we offer all market participants non-discriminatory access to our gas infrastructure for energy transmission. With our connecting infrastructure, we help different stakeholders along the value chain to come together to achieve common goals.

People are at the centre of what we do

Our commitment to a secure, affordable and long-term climate-neutral energy supply is the foundation of our modern society. We are here with our employees. We act like a medium-sized company with an approachable management team, where people work with people, where people know and respect each other and where we stick together when it counts. We know that in the long run our people will be crucial to our success. With this attitude we will continue to be an attractive employer.

We stand for expertise with a team dedicated to the cause

We are proud of our outstanding employees with competence and passion around gas and gas infrastructure. We will continue to develop this expertise over the coming years, especially in the areas of hydrogen and CO2 transport. It is people with heart and soul who will master the challenges of the energy transition, and you can count on our team!