Press releases 

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24 February 2023

NETG completes final weld on its gas transmission pipeline from Voigtslach to Paffrath

This week saw the successful completion of the final weld on NETG's Voigtslach-to-Paffrath gas transmission pipeline in Paffrath near Leverkusen. Following acceptance by TÜV as the supervisory authority, the pipeline has now achieved technical completion and operational readiness as part of Germany's high-pressure gas transmission system.

23 February 2023 / Cooperation

Gas transmission: Hydrogen successfully tested in compressor prime mover

GRTgaz Deutschland, OGE and Solar Turbines have successfully tested a low emissions Solar gas turbine as a prime mover on a natural gas compressor using hydrogen blending rates of up to 25 percent.

17 December 2022 / Cooperation

First German LNG Terminal to Open in Wilhelmshaven. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Visits the Completed Facilities.

Implementation in record time at ‘Germany's New Fast Pace’. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Niedersachsen's Prime Minister Stephan Weil, German Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck, and the Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner attend the opening ceremony of the facilities on the North Sea shore. The project was implemented by the three companies Niedersachsen Ports, OGE, and Uniper.

12 December 2022

Final weld marks completion of WAL pipeline link: System now ready to take LNG – and in future also hydrogen

WAL link completed reliably and safely in record time. WAL will help feed regasified LNG from Wilhelmshaven into the German gas grid and contribute to Germany's energy supply. H2-ready pipeline is a crucial cornerstone for Germany’s future hydrogen economy

25 November 2022

New uniform postage stamp tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from 1 January 2023

The gas transmission system operators (TSOs) have recalculated their network charges for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area applicable from 1 January 2023 on the basis of the Federal Network Agency's (BNetzA) decision entitled "Approval of the recalculation of the reference price for 2023 (REGENT recalculation 2023, BK9-22/615)".

3 November 2022

Preparations underway for the construction of the TENP III natural gas pipeline

Working strip to be provided along pipeline route in the Palatinate Forest with logging of trees to start in November 2022. Replacement of telecommunications cables. TENP I pipe string in Rhineland-Palatinate to be replaced in 2023.

21 October 2022

Regional planning procedure for the Heek-Epe (HEp) hydrogen pipeline successfully completed

Münster district government considers the project to comply with regional planning guidance. A 600-metre-wide route corridor has been identified. The final route of the pipeline will be determined as part of the subsequent planning approval process.

29 September 2022

Hydrogen in times of fundamental change – OGE's Energy Policy Dialogue hosted in Berlin for the first time puts focus on the hydrogen ramp-up and infrastructure

For the hydrogen ramp-up to succeed now, industry and politics need to work hand-in-glove. What this cooperation should look like and how politicians at federal and state level and industry can support each other was the subject of the 8th Energy Policy Dialogue 2022 hosted by OGE in Berlin for the first time.

19 September 2022 / Cooperation

Carbon-neutral fuel from residues and waste – Vier Gas Transport establishes operator company bioplus LNG

Vier Gas Transport GmbH (VGT) plans to invest a double-digit million figure in a liquefaction plant for bio-LNG. The plant will be built in Röthenbach an der Pegnitz (Bavaria) and is scheduled to go into operation at the end of 2024. It will be designed to produce 50,000 tonnes of bio-LNG per year, which will later be used by trucks.

4 August 2022

Construction of pipeline link to Wilhelmshaven LNG terminal off to an early start

Open Grid Europe GmbH (OGE) today announced the early start of construction of the Wilhelmshaven pipeline link (WAL) in the municipality of Friedeburg in East Frisia. In the presence of Olaf Lies, Lower Saxony's Minister for the Environment, Energy, Construction and Climate Protection, construction work began almost four weeks earlier than planned.

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